Mar 28, 2021


It's been exactly a year that we find
ourselves under wraps . . . March to
March, as it were.

We've made the effort to only do our
monthly run to SAMS every three
months. Let me tell you, it makes for
some pretty interesting meals!

Think spaghetti . . . now replace the
spaghetti noodles with multicolored 
salad pasta. Put hot sauce on top as
you don't have anything to make
spaghetti sauce out of. And, don't
forget the olives since you're out of
mushrooms!!! Of course, no pine
nuts or parmesan cheese on top as
you're out of those too. Like I said,

Miracle Whip and raisins tend to
work just as well as mayonnaise
and olives in your tuna salad! Sour
cream works in your jello salad if 
you're out of whipping cream. And,
you might just like your granola on
plain yogurt rather than with milk.
Speaking of milk . . . when it sours,
just make cheese out of it!!!

When people ask me how I've lost
weight, I've hesitated to tell them
it's down to COVID 19. They might
think I've been ill, rather than just
out of certain groceries. 

Who knows how I'll cook once all 
this brouhaha passes!

call me chef ld
experiences ahoy
want to come over

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