Mar 20, 2021


Don't think you'd ever accuse me
of being particularly artistic . . .

Having said that, how I love
decorating my dining room table
for the Esoteric holidays. I speak
of the first days of Spring, Summer,
Autumn and Winter, along with
May Day and Halloween, etc. 

Yesterday afternoon, my Spring
tablecloth arrived in the mail so
this morning, at o' dark thirty, I
was up and laying the table. So 
much fun putting out the Ostara 
bunnies, the stone eggs and any-
thing else I could think of that 
was Spring-esque. 

I ask myself why this might be
important? It comes to me that
we all need reminders of those
special days that hold meaning
and memory for us. Symbolism
is important. 

Obviously, life offers us every
emotion available to mankind.
These special holidays bring 
out the good ones . . .

Happy Ostara, first day of Spring!

so love me some spring
praying for warmth light and green
hope for brighter days

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