Mar 7, 2021

03/07/2021 (#22 NO WATER)

Alas, I feel a 'Pity Party' coming on . . .

I actually find it quite reprehensible 
that a 71 year old woman would give 
into a 3-year old's tantrums!!!

I'll have to make a last ditch attempt
to keep the lid on so nobody knows . . .
But, I can scowl with the best of 'em; 
make no mistake!

Our pipes finally have the drips, but
still no proper water. Another strange
thing is, even turning off the water
the drips won't stop. 

Although I'm no Pollyanna, looking 
on the good side of things, collecting
the drips in buckets means we can
wash dishes, flush the jane and even
treat me to a hair wash! It just takes
time and patience . . . What's that last
word again?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

alright ill be good
got the message loud and clear
you can go home now

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