Mar 15, 2021

03/15/2021 (#29 NO WATER) sinks/jane?

I'm sooooo not certain I have 
the adjectives to describe sitting 
by the fire all day and watching 
it snow. Never in my wildest 
dreams, did I expect such a show 
from Mama Nature!

It all started 11:00 - ish yester
morn. It snowed without stop
throughout the night. We awoke
to at least a foot . . . then agreed
to watch it snow in front of the 
fire today. 

Brunch and lunch came and went.
We simply couldn't tear ourselves
away. The two of us are at odds
over just how much snow we've 
received. I'd say two and a half 
feet and as I've put pen to paper, 
surely I win! Ha!

Bottom line, Mama has give us
a much needed addition to our
water supply. I'm going to make
the effort to remember this as
the beauty fades and we face
the after affects. 

Sounds to me like I need an
attitude adjustment!!! Ouch!

bring on your weather
finding rain more romantic
still love some snow days

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