Apr 2, 2021


Today marks a year since my
good friend's passing. Her man
wrote this morning, honoring 
her and missing her.

They were great friends as well
as partners, having been married
some 65 years. Theirs was a fine,
strong relationship, one most of
us have yearned for. And yet, he
wonders if he knew her as well
as he might have.

I wonder why we hold ourselves
back in our relationships?! Is it
that we want to keep a bit of
ourselves for ourselves? Is it fear?
Is it pride? Are we protecting our
hearts in case of the ultimate hurt?

Obviously, I'm somewhat on my
way out; but, it's never too late.
I am determined to share every 
last bit of myself with my lover 
now, before it's too late. And . . .
why not be just as open with 
friends as well? 

Me thinks there's so little to lose 
and ever so much to gain . . .

so want to know me
ever learning my lessons
so want to know you

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