Mar 26, 2021


A reprieve . . . Perhaps the gods love
me after all! For an entire day and a
whole night . . . no snow, no sleet, 
no rain! 

So, we decided to play hooky. Stayed 
up late, slept in, had breakfast in bed,
saw a bit of news, and enjoyed the
mattress over our non-existent couch!
Fab day! I'm renewed . . . come and
get me Mr. Storm!

May as well straight up confess . . .
We're doing this thing; exploring,
for a lack of a better word. We're
having a look see at some of the 
old flicks from our youth.

Funny how some are naught like 
we remembered. Others are a breath 
of fresh air. We try and recall movie 
endings, alas they are holding them-
selves aloof. There are even those 
that I only saw in Spanish whilst 
living in Mexico.

We have yet to add champagne to
the mix, but it sounds like fun!

loving me my moon
playing hooky in the sun
goodbye mister snow

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