Mar 31, 2021


From the distain I have always 
felt for winter, I've come to realize 
I need an attitude adjustment.

Yesterday, I sat in front of my
living room window and watched
the snow dripping into oblivion.
The trees were densely covered,
yet in only a few hours time, they 
were bare.

As we have a couple of feet on the
ground, its disappearance will take
much longer, but the lesson is there.
Time changes everything; wait it out
and see what you can learn from it.

I'm beginning to perceive winter 
as a time of withdrawal. Summer 
parties long past, those stunning
colors of autumn taking their rest,
perhaps it's time for me to do the

Winter is a time to hunker down,
drink in the isolation encouraged
by the snows. Pondering, thinking,
meditation, all good calls in the
quiet of the season.

Me thinks I'll just have a look-see 
at what I need to learn . . .

quiet of winter
no better time for lessons
experience now

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