Mar 10, 2021

03/10/2021 (#25 NO WATER) sink?

"What a difference a day makes!"
~Stanley Adams

We had intended to journey tonight,
but seems Mama Nature had other
plans in mind. We got a message 
at o' dark thirty, advising us of the 
change in weather. We hopped in
the pickup with a, 'no, never you
mind' and got the hell out of Dodge,
about 36 hours earlier than planned.

My guy, pro driver of yesteryear,
made the four hour trip in three, 
both going and coming! I'm be-
yond wowed; make no mistake!

We all went out to eat at our fave
Mexican restaurant, had a couple
of very decent margs and a fine
meal. And then, ordered in pizza
for a day of no-cooking! No muss,
no fuss, no dishes . . . but yeah, 
a whole lot of calories. As we
used to say in college, "I'll start
my diet tomorrow!"

The trip home was harder than
the going due to exhaustion. It's
not everyday that you travel to,
celebrate all day, and then travel
back . . . what an amazing 16

As it turned out, it started to 
snow about the time we got to 
bed. Woke up to about half a 
foot and beyond thrilled we're
home safe.

Let Mama Nature do her worst!

family tis best
find myself ever so proud
tis the tie that binds

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