Mar 4, 2021

03/04/2021 (#19 NO WATER)

What's the old adage, "Three times and
you're out?" Alas, has happened thrice,
so I may have to bid you all adieu if I'm
not careful . . .

The first time, 'twas an unknown trying
to entice me into a 'get rich quick scheme'
and all I had to do was send him a money
order to make it happen. I lost my FB
account and all of my friends over that

The second time, under the guise of my
long lost cousin, same song second verse.
I got out of that one virtually unscathed,
but lost all contact with her and I do miss

Third time's charm . . . using the name
of one of my fave Junior High teachers, 
I was asked to send my non-existent 
shekels for greater rewards.

I do wonder what this world is coming 
to, but mostly, I find myself wondering 
if I have a sign on my forehead some
what along the lines of . . .

 . . . "Gullible, please take advantage!"

end of innocence 
suppose i must live and learn
my heart is breaking

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