Aug 1, 2020

08/01/2020 - Lughnasadh

August 1st is an exciting day for me as 
well as for other practicing Pantheists. 
Lammas, in the Christian belief system 
or Lughnasadh, in the Pagan world . . . 
halfway between the first day of summer 
and the first day of fall. One of the things 
I most appreciate about this time of year 
is that we are all united in the same 
celebration, albeit under different names.

I do love watching the changing of the 
seasons. Today, I find myself recalling 
the joys of summer and looking forward 
to this peek into Autumn. So, how shall
we celebrate?

It's important we recognize and honor
earth's bounty, hence breaking bread 
together reminds us of the precious gift 
of grains that sustain us. This may be 
done in church, in a sacred circle or 
around the familial table. Me thinks 
we must never again take our breads, 
cereals, puddings, or even corn on the 
cob for granted!

I'm hungry just thinking about it! 
Even now, I feel that melted butter 
dripping off my chin as I bite into 
that amazing corn on the cob . . . 
Let's celebrate!

bless you sweet mother 
your own sustaining bounty 
we must honor you

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