Aug 21, 2020


Today, was the gift of the elk . . .

Oh my God, I've never seen anything like it 
before. An entire herd, one bull elk, a young 
bull in the making and a one-horn with the
broken horn hanging down and re-attached.
The majority of the herd, mamas and their
babes. Most had a single offspring, but one
had twins and another triplets, if you can
believe that! Never heard of such a thing.

They were in our front yard, side yard,
back yard, road and surrounding my library.
We sat with them and watched them nigh
onto an hour. I never once felt in danger,
just in love with the moment, the gift, as
it were.

Alas, the cars going by were less patient.
They had places to go, places to be . . .
their loss; make no mistake. What tickled
me was that the elk absolutely refused to
be intimidated. They walked at their pace
and simply were not to be bothered by
anything as ridiculous as cars going by.

From there, a few went up the road, (I bet
they were smirking) and some sacked out
in my yard. All peaceful, chewing their 
cud. I feel like God came down and blest
my day with his very own hand.

may the elk live long
and be bountiful on earth
in my neighborhood

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