Aug 18, 2020


Today, was a gift of the gods . .  .

Sitting by the pond, enjoying the fountain,
all of a sudden, in flew our fave robin that's
been coming for three years now . . . an
incredibly long life for a robin! Completely
unexpectedly, all of a sudden his mate flew
in and landed nearby. She is, of course, a
robin, but a robin like I have never seen. 

As a female, obviously she is less colorful.
But, she has a heavily speckled chest. I was
in love . . . and then, their daughter joined
us. Exactly like her mother, standing tall
and proffering her beautiful speckled chest
for all and sundry.

One of the things that tickled me, was that
the three of them lined up, in order, each
waiting their turn for sips of water from 
the pool. I was touched by the wonder of
it all. I felt in awe of the moment . . . as 
I said before . . . a gift of the gods!

wonders still exist
so wowed by mama nature
color me in awe

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