Aug 25, 2020


Sometimes I ponder what I have lost
whilst forgetting what I have gained . . .

I'm tired, need my sleep and am angered that
something has awakened me at o' dark 30!
And then I am blest with the moon set and
the sunrise and I wonder why I spent any
energy at all on the mad!

I find myself annoyed that there's nothing
instantly edible to eat out of the fridge. 
I don't feel like cooking, but have to if I
want to eat! And the result is a fab dish
I can hardly get enough of. So why did I
expend the energy on being annoyed?!

It really pisses me off when I have to go
somewhere I don't wish to go. And then,
when I get through being pissy, I find I
enjoy myself immensely. When, oh when
am I going to get the message?!

I can't help but wonder if I'm too old to
learn or if I can kick myself out of the
old paradigms and learn my lessons?!

    - Take life as it comes
    - Enjoy the moment
    - Stop trying to control everything

Come on, make an effort already! Learn!

so longing to grow
some action is required
make the most of life

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