Aug 13, 2020


"It's been a long time since I've been me."
~Fernando Pesso

I happened upon the above quote yesterday
and it greatly saddened me. I talk about this
from time to time, perhaps too often. But, 
it's ever so important to be oneself.

Actually, I don't think important is a strong
enough word. Kids are about pleasing their
parents. Teens are obsessed with becoming.
Adults please their spouses and employers.
Does this mean that we don't actually look
into self-becoming until we're retired and
elder? Overwhelmingly sad, if you ask me.

There needs to be some serious thought 
put into this topic . . . followed by action! 
If we as parents, could encourage our 
children to simply 'be', being themselves
would automatically follow. I am so not
suggesting that there be no order in the
universe. Children have to be tended,
jobs worked, chores done . . . but there
must always be time and place for self

Let's make the effort; let's see to it . . .

so want to be me
who do i ask permission
ready to die now

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