Aug 12, 2020


We've been working on the yard for
a couple of days and I hurt all over!
This aging business is certainly better
than the alternative, but as we're now
dealing in the loss of beauty, do we 
really have to have so much pain as 
well?! The yard is looking good and
I def am NOT!

I've often thought that this gift of age,
the alternative not being attractive, is
all about those last lessons life has to
teach us before we pass onto another
realm, whatever that may be. This
needs some thinking about! What am
I learning here?

For one thing, tat old adage . . .
'Patience in all things' comes to mind.
Seems I've always been in a hurry, I
want things done at the snap of a finger.
Not to forget, 'If you want it done right, 
do it yourself' . . . Alas, I don't seem to
have the requisite energy any more, so
there comes the need for patience once
again. Did I just say ONCE again?

I get it . . . maybe, just maybe, I have an
issue with patience, or lack thereof, that
needs dealing with. I'll get rigt on that;
shouldn't take long . . .

loath my many flaws
thought id be perfect by now
not bloody likely

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