Aug 17, 2020


Our new way of life is finally coming
into clarity.  Indeed we do have to admit 
that life as we knew it, pre-Covid, is no
longer with us . . .

I see the changes all around us. In fact,
we are living the changes. We stick close
to home. Few, few people come by to visit.
Parties as we knew them are a thing of the
past. School attendance is even being 
called into question and alternatives are
being sought. 

Grocery stores are on a list of musts, but
far less often do we go. When we have to
make a break for it, on go the masks. Then
a wipe down when you go into the store.
You check to see whether the cart you're
going to use has been sanitized. The aisles
are one way only. And as only so many 
people are let into the store at a time, the 
place feels deserted. The whole thing has 
an eerie feeling to it. Me thinks we're 
actually living a horror movie.

I get that we'll learn to live with it. Just
look at newscasts, musicians, restaurants,
sports, churches . . . all seeking, finding
alternative ways of trying to stay afloat
and serve their communities.

We can do this! We will adapt!! We will

such sorrow in life
trying coping accepting 
slowly we withstand

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