Aug 9, 2020


Pinecliffe is one stunning place!
I rather lament that we arrived in
the dark, but perhaps going home,
we'll see all the beauty we missed
on our arrival.

We are hours away from home,
but even here there are vestiges
of modern civilization. Helicopters
have flown over, a train has gone
by . . . and the houses . . . WOW!

Must be multimillionaires. Alas,
there are also some shacks I
wouldn't be caught dead in . . .
What does that say about me?

Most of the fam is off for a hike.
What a way to enjoy this beauty
first hand. I do recognize we all
believe a bit differently, but who
ever created this incredible earth
deserves praise most phenomenal!

And me thinks these hikes take
one up the mountain and nearer
to God, just whoever he or she
might be.

hale to the byways
so grander than the highways
invite me to stay

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