Aug 5, 2020


Me thinks I need to hide away 'midst all 
the newscasts. My guy watches them all 
and often stops the commentary to make
his own. Then he proceeds to share . . .
The news, for me,  has always been hard 
to bear. But 2020, should win the all time
top award for the down and dirty casts.

What to do? I get that news is important.
It isn't just 'nice' to know what's going 
on locally and in the world today; it's 
essential. Down with the old 'head in 
the sand' ploy. Still, where's a happy
medium . . .

Maybe I could get a shorthand version
by just reading the headlines. Though,
I guess you have to receive newspapers
to make that happen. Perhaps, I can
make a deal with my man . . . he can
give me the shorthand version of the
news and then I won't have to kill him
for going on and on about it . . .

 . . . never said I was normal!

no news is good news
head in the sand evermore
ignorance is bliss

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