Aug 4, 2020


Today, I find myself halfway 'twixt and 'tween
sorrow and anticipation. One of my dearest
friends is hurting and I feel that pain. On the
other side of sorrow, is the anticipation of my
daughter-in-law's birthday . . . a family camp
out; bring it on!

One of the hardest things I've ever had to 
deal with as an empath, is sorrow. I make it
a point to keep my circle small in my elder
years . . . not to exclude anyone, but to cope
with so much feeling. It can't be explained
really. I thought I would have learned to
control it by now. No such luck!

Still, I feel an intensity in joy that is not to
be taken lightly. I much look forward to 
the relief from sorrow. For today, joy awaits!

must learn my lessons
will the sorrow ever pass
long to feel no pain

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