Aug 10, 2020


Always enjoy our weekend adventures;
make no mistake! Still, one is visited
with aches and pains in places one had
never thought about before~ And then,
just one night in that bed at home . . .
and suddenly, you're feeling a bit like
your ld self!

In thinking about the whole going home
paradigm, there are ever so many homes
to go to. When I see my children, there is
def a kind of going home! When I talk to
my father, the going home is absolutely
apparent. I would imagine that for the 
Christian, the second coming is the
ultimate going home.

We're feeling our hard times of late. What
we need are a few more of these going
home episodes. Let's look for them. I
imagine that each person has their own. 
Still, for now, let's all go home!

so want to go home
need to find myself again
much comfort awaits

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