Aug 29, 2020


Yesterday, I received a gift of peaches

from a dear friend of mine. I raised
one to my face and was immediately
transported to that sweet childhood  
of innocence. Even made me think of 
those pictures of me as a two year old, 
bathed in peaches from head to toe.

Isn't it interesting how something, happy
or sad, triggers memory. Seems I spent
the day kaleidoscoping through those
love notes of yesteryear. Seeing my first
seven foot bull snake, tasting my first
root beer float . . . loved the ice cream; 
hated the root beer! Climbing to the 
base of Mount Garfield on my father's
back, learning to ride a tandem bike
so my brother could experience the

I think I want to go through my book 
of memories and tear out the sorrowful
and leave the wondrous. It's been said
you can choose just which ones you
think about . . . alas, hasn't been my

exploring my past
yesteryears kaleidoscope
bleeding into now

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