Aug 24, 2020


I find myself pondering wounded souls
this morning . . . and I am not referring
to just either animals or humans, but
all of us.

I look at those Viet Nam vets who were
never able to recover and are homeless
still today. I see those impoverished by
either divorce or job loss. I see those
with loss of self due to drugs and/or

A deer with the loss of one horn; driven
to an environment it knows nothing about.
Foxes and coyotes with no food . . . and
truly, I have no answers; no solutions.

I absolutely understand that this is not
a proper list. Still, a beginning of sorts
perhaps?! And where do we go from here?

Honor the 'no hunting' time of year? Set
out bales of hay, salt licks, troughs of
water? I do NOT have the answers; don't
even know what's legal . . . but my heart
hurts nonetheless and I find myself utterly
ignorant as to a plan.

I so pray I can be part of the solution
rather than part of the problem.

feel so ignorant
mother please inspire me
may i be of help

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