Aug 15, 2020


At the risk of revealing my age, I have
to say, I miss Walter Cronkite! He was
a man among men; make no mistake.
An investigative reporter, he faithfully
reported the news straight on, with no
fanfare, no embellishments, no lies. 

I make an effort to listen to the news;
I really do. Once in a while, I make it
all the way, but not often. I find myself
offended by glamor over professionalism,
the apparent need for humor over straight
delivery . . . and let's not even talk about
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

I find it sad that I am told over and over,
by different people, "If you want straight
reporting, don't watch Channel XYZ." 
God in heaven, how would you like to
have that reputation?!

I notice I've used the word 'straight' several
times . . . and here's me, never, ever re-
using the same word twice! Rather telling,
isn't it! Guess the only thing we can do, is
check out which stories are factual and
be careful with our own re-telling.

Didn't I just say, I miss Walter Cronkite . . .

pray forgive the rant
does the truth even matter 
no news is good news

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