Aug 26, 2020


'I sat with my anger long enough, until she
told me her real name was grief. ~Unknown

This quote sooooo resonates with me. I'm
working on it, but I never, ever seem to
conquer. Why is my life so grief ridden? On
some level, I get it. My special, blind brother
lived a somewhat horrific life until he was 23.

My best friend committed suicide on the
morning of his graduation from med school
My best, best friend's daughter died in a
horrific car accident when she was barely 
sixteen. One of my besties ever, died of  
an unexpected debilitating disease when
I was in high school. Yet another friend of
mine died in his fifties, in his fifties!!! Oh
my fucking god! Who dies in his fifties?!

So hard to understand; you're not supposed 
to die until you're old, infirm, disabled!
You are NOT supposed to die at all, until
I give my permission!!!

Sooooo sorry . . . working on it!

have issues with death
hating the finalities
pray i live so long

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