Jul 31, 2020


Love's greatest gift is its ability to make
everything it touches sacred. ~Rumi

As we say goodbye to July, I've been pondering
just how to return to a more positive thought
process. It's so easy in our current political and
health situations to forget all those wondrous
blessings surrounding us.

I do understand that the entire world is presently
affected by this unspeakable plague. I also know
we are at odds with each other over impending
political debates and decisions to be made. 

Still, I think of how fortunate the majority of us
are to have homes to live in and even jobs to go
to. My heart truly goes out to those who don't. 
I think where I'm headed with this into a new
month is to worry less about what I don't have
and be damn grateful for what I do.

I get that it's and old song and dance. Some
where 'twixt our parents and Sunday school
teachers, said lesson was pounded into our 
heads ad nauseam. Nonetheless, just because
the message is along the lines of a broken
record, doesn't mean it isn't valuable or lacking
in truth.

I so need to add in some gratitude here . . . and
well before Thanksgiving, if you get my drift!

yes mommi dearest
tis thankful i am i am
keep repeating it

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