Aug 31, 2020



1a) a prior action that takes into account or
forestalls a later action

1b) the action of looking forward, pleasurable

2a) visualization of a future event or state
2b) an object or form that anticipates a later type

 - - -

I sooooo need another word! Anticipation is
clearly NOT working! She left for surgery this
morning at 5:30. I worry as any mother would,
but I have that supreme ability to take any 
given word to the SUPERLATIVE level!!!

I want her finished! I long for her to be OUT!!
I need for her to be HEALED!!!

I am sooooo DONE!!! . . . and it's not even 
about me! Get her the hell out of that hospital
already! Okay, back up, start over, be civil
and maybe even a tad reasonable!

Hell, I'm even praying here! You sooooo don't
even want to know the words I'm using . . . 
have you ever heard of blackmailing God?! 
Didn't think so!!!

It's alright. God forgives everything! (I hope!)

dear god in heaven
hallowed thy many names
protect my daughter 

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