Aug 19, 2020


The child in me wants to hold my breath
until the goblins, demons and dragons all 
go away. 

I'm certainly no Pollyanna! Yet, I'm not
sure how I'm going to continue coping
with all the bad news sallying forth from
the newscasters and even friends stopping
by and sharing their fears and reactions.

I'm not really going to talk about the news;
there's no point. But, as Pliny the Elder
stated in the days of yesteryear, "Bury your
head in the sand." might be an acceptable
alternative at this point. Add in King James
the First saying, "No news is good news."
and we already have a couple of means for

Hell, maybe I could come up with one . . .
'Turn off the electricity! Don't answer the
door! Stay away from people! Forget the
cell phone!'

Nah . . . I just need to learn to stomach all 
this and pray I don't become an alcoholic!

in troublesome times
only the strong shall survive
pray i learn to cope

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