Aug 20, 2020


At o'dark thirty this morning, we had some
special visitors! Just after 4:00, a raccoon
came into the yard and ran the gauntlet of
the stone walk. Just a few minutes later, a
bear comes into view, stands up on his hind
legs and then lopes off like a bat out of hell.

I fear I talk incessantly about our wildlife,
but how could I not?! It is so amazing to
live not far out of town and be privy to so
many visitors. Rather makes me feel loved
by the gods, if not downright special.

I keep a list; what teacher wouldn't?! We've
had 16 different categories of animals visit 
us in the eight years I've owned the cabin. 
Within the categories, there are several
different types . . . which adds to the fun.

We've been fortunate enough to have two
different kinds of wild cats to three kinds
of squirrels, a dozen varieties of birds,
two types of deer and elk by the herd. 

Me thinks I'm ever so lucky to find myself 
in my own haven, if not heaven!

so love me my bears
only eclipsed by wild cats
won critter lotto

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