May 29, 2020


What a glorious day SH285 South 
gifted us. It simply seemed that
that we were enveloped in a
beauty heretofore unknown to us.
Yes, we had both been there, done
that. Still, there was something
about this particular drive that was
mind blowing. We were wide awake.
Filled with anticipation as each mile
drifted by, painting yet another
scene of unprecedented beauty.

Passing through small towns of
yesteryear, dotted with bars and
shops in hopes that customers 
would be enticed. One after another, 
each offering their wares, many 
closed . . . dreams dead and gone.

I found myself amazed at the
lengths people had gone to in order 
to survive. Food trucks, outdoor 
seating, masked servers . . . people 
lined up, carefully spaced, patiently 
waiting their turn to be served or 

I saw a friendliness . . . people
waving, nodding their heads in
recognition, wishing others a good
day. It felt as though everyone was
making an effort at decency. And
until now, I had not witnessed this
positive side to the vast illness that
plagues us. May we ever learn!

nice really matters
so hadnt paid attention
tis helping me grow

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