May 17, 2020


The responsibility of reading cards is a
formidable one! You may think sport, or
fun . . . life-changing or simply interesting.
Still, it is an incredible gift, whether you
get that or not.

I have been reading cards since I was 15 . . .
I was in a boarding school in Arizona, my
choice, and wasn't able to go home for TG.
A bunch of us girls left behind, decided to
play cards one night. My first time, I picked
up my dealt cards and immediately knew
things about every gal in the circle. Scared
the bejesus out of me. I threw down the
cards and ran as I've never run before.

Obviously, it came to me that I was a
card-reader . . . 'meant to be' and I could
not really do anything about it. It simply
was what it was. Sooooo now, I've been
reading cards for 55 years. What an
incredible responsibility! I take it very
seriously and consider it a way in which
the gods can deliver messages to us.

an amazing tool
gifted me without consent
pray i help others

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