May 13, 2020


Such humungous, glorious, stunning homes!
Everywhere I go, I see them. Large, small, tiny,
they are each one 'home' to someone. Me thinks
we all love our homes, creations of our hearts,
no matter the size, the shekels involved, or the
place they reside.

What is it about a home that brings so much
comfort? I well recall the 'movings in' over the
years into the different residences. The clean,
the new paint job, the placing of treasures . . .
making the house a home! I used to call it,
'peeing the perimeter'! We are mandated by
some imaginary source to lend our stamp
of approval.

I don't know whether to chuckle or to cry . . .
have you ever noticed that we live in about
three rooms of our homes? The kitchen and
the bedroom, of course. Some even use the
living room. Still, per se . . . just a couple of
rooms actually gift us their space. Rather
makes me wonder why we need such huge
homes?! Something to think about . . .

where lies my comfort
my identity is home
home is in my heart

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