May 20, 2020


Love me some solitude; always have!
Still, me thinks we've had enough of
it lo these past three months. I have to
chuckle as friends sneak over, masks
in place, treat in hand and have a seat
outside. We all take a chair about 10
feet apart and let the catching up begin.

Sometimes, there's a Corona or two to
be had. Others, a treat . . . but mostly,
it's all about catching up, seeing what
we've been up to and sitting in some
proximity to others for a couple of

As a Libra, I've always known those
two sides of me . . . the one who needs
and relishes solitude and the other who
needs her family and friends fix. I have
not found the isolation uncomfortable.
I also find myself missing those few,
those sweet, precious few.

how have you been friend
feeling a little lonely
while away the hours

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