May 5, 2020

05/05/2020 - Cinco de Mayo

Oh my goddess! What an amazing day!
I imagine you're thinking of this most
historical date which we celebrate
out the nines in Mexico! Alas I fear,
I must be a tad more personal than that.
It all started with the matriarch of our
family. Queen Esther, as my father used
to call her, was born on May 5th, obviously
my first recollections of the date.

I can remember those first hankerings for
a little girl. Queen Esther did not wish for
me to have a second child as I was in a
special health bracket. But, we told her I'd
gift her a baby girl, on her birthday, with
the name of Esther, as her namesake.
That first yell into the night, with ten
minutes to spare. Her daddy gave her a
kiss and ran to telephone Grandma . . .
a promise kept.

My very own Princesa Esther, captured
my heart that night, and forever more. I
pray God bless her every hour of every
day. She is a treasure sin precio alguno.

remember that night
a joyous gift from the gods
gratitude ever

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