May 23, 2020


Be fair warned; I feel a rant coming on!
Feel free to skip this one!!!

I read news columns online every morning
as I suppose I should stay in touch with the
real world. Alas, I am dangerously close to
never wanting to read or know about the
real world ever again.  Learning about the
children enclosed in border camps is one of
the most painful, horrific reinventions of the
dark ages that we could never have imagined.
This morning, I wrote . . .

"Why oh why, did the powers at be feel it
was necessary to re-invent the prison camps,
and for children, no less?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+
Will we never learn? Will we never grow?
Will we never, ever embrace all humanity
over the crimes of torture, rape, mutilation,
trafficking, child abuse?! I so do NOT want
to be a part of the world we live in today!"

How did this happen? Me thinks we put the
Neanderthals to shame . . . and supposedly
we're living in 2020! Alas, I have no answers,
only questions . . . I actually get that suicide
wouldn't solve anything. I also understand
that a 70-year old me can't solve the world's
problems. And no, I do NOT turn a blind eye.

I DO want to help. I DO want all this cruelty
to end. And yes, I DO scream at God each and
every day, begging him on bended knee to do
something. Good thing I'm not God, I'd blow
up the whole damn place!

weeping in sorrow
in anger over my head
pray what can i do

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