May 12, 2020


I've been thinking . . . always dangerous . . .
about secret spaces, sacred places, magick
nooks and crannies. We all understood this
as children. I defy you to even find a child
who doesn't have his very own special
corner of his very own universe.

It makes me sad to think we lose this as
adults. It would behoove us to remember
just how valuable these little pieces of
heaven can be. As a little girl, when sad,
I would go to my magick place and by the
time I came out, I was all better.

Perhaps you already have one, but just
haven't thought of it this way. A comfy
chair in the guest bedroom, a porch swing,
a flower bed out back, a pew in the back of
an open church. Not to forget some quiet
music and a candle or two. That hot mug of
coffee or tea, a small glass of red . . . all adds
to the much needed mystique.

Still, having your own quiet place isn't enough.
You have to remember to go there. Make a
habit of it. Once a day, same hour each time,
or just when you need it. Go there! Be there!!
Let yourself heal!!! Add that bit of magick to
your soul . . .

tis heaven on earth
that wee bit of magickal
dont let me forget

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