May 11, 2020


So love me all the holidays in May . . .
May 1st is both May Day, Día del Trabajo and
Beltane. Cinco de Mayo, glorious Mexican holiday,
also celebrates the birth of my mother and daughter.
May 10 and/or Diez de Mayo is Mother's day. May
16 is the birthday of my children's father and the
23rd is Día del Estudiante. Let's end with the 25th,
Memorial Day. Crazy, crazy May!

I can remember teaching 17 years in Mexico. The
closer May came, the more we trembled. With the
lack of routine, the kids were restless . . . along
with summer weather. But bottom line, trying to
teach during the month of May took heroic efforts.
Still, I find myself looking forward to it, enjoying
every single celebration.

There is great benefit to my mom and daughter
having the same birthday. 'Tis sad remembering
it's mom's b-day and then I cheer up with the
celebration of my daughter. Funny how holidays
invoke different memories and feelings.

So here we are, half-way through May already.
Let me just wish you one big happy holiday for
the next two weeks.

whats to celebrate
yes a maying we shall go
making memories

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