May 25, 2020

05/25/2020 - Memorial Day

Memorial Day honors military personnel
who died in the service of their country,
particularly those who died in battle or
as a result of wounds sustained in battle.
~US Department of Veterans Affairs

I imagine we all have ancestors who served in 
the battles of yesteryear. My own generation
dealt with the infamous Viet Nam war . . .
the draft, the deaths of loved ones, the anger, 
the marches. I was a freshman in college at the 
time. My own lover was in the midst of it all, 
even as I warred against it. I chuckle now, as
I was fined for my own participation in a VN 
anti-march and bra burning.

I think maybe it's taken me to arrive at that
delectable age of 70 to even begin to under-
stand that one's personal views and opinions 
don't really matter as lives are being taken, 
hearts broken and entire worlds destroyed.
Bottom line, as the old maxim proclaims . . .
it is what it is, no matter what!

So today, personal beliefs aside, let us indeed
remember those who gave their all, their lives,
for us to have the world we live in at present.

at the price of lives
trying hard to understand
longing for world peace

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