May 21, 2020


I suppose it doesn't do to go on about
it much, but I am truly blown away by
how everyone is coping with the plague
and making an effort to get on with life
one way or another!

I see small cafes, restaurants and food
markets accepting phone orders and
delivering. Flowers are being sent and
phone calls made. I see people out in
their yards; cleaning, digging, planting.
We may end up w/landscapes gorgeous
and gardens bountiful this year.

And the inventive natures . . . oh my God!
The 8:00 howls, postcards sent, outdoor
theaters resurrected. The sharing of drinks,
albeit 8 - 10 feet away, and no hugs. Seeing
loved ones through screen doors, blowing
air kisses. What amazing adjustments every
one is making!

I doubt it'll ever be the same as it used to be.
And make no mistake, there will always be
a clear, 'before . . . and after . . . the plague'.

tell me a story
oh mother of inventions
make it a sweet one

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