May 8, 2020


I still find myself dancing on air . . .
Last night's ultimate 2020 Super Moon,
the full Flower Moon, was something to
behold . . . make no mistake!

My guy had spent the day on a project
and found himself arriving home at 10:00.
After greeting me, he told me to grab my
coat. I just had to go outside and see the
most amazing moon he had ever seen. I
chuckled and told him he'd been living w/
his Pagan way tooooo long.

So, out we go; he kept leading me down
the walk, saying that I wouldn't be able to
see the moon properly unless I followed
him. We got as far as the pickup and I
dropped my jaw. I had been expecting it,
but I knew I wouldn't be able to see it
until 11:00 as we're surrounded by pines.

Next thing I knew, he's popping me into
the car and taking me to the lake. He tells
me I just have to see the moon by the lake.
He was right . . . the beauty was of such
magnitude that I found myself going from
inadvertent exclamations to tears falling
down my cheeks. Were I to live a hundred
years, I don't think I would ever again see
such beauty or experience such a moment.

What a guy! Middle of the night surprise
after working and driving hours! I pray
the gods protect him ever . . .

a midnight surprise
lunar lady come to me
bright blessings await

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