May 17, 2020


Sooooo enjoying the plains of Southern
Colorado . . . an entirely different kind of
beauty. We arrived here on Thursday and
have experienced suns up and suns down,
breezes to heavy winds. The odd sweet
flowers to be found, along with a plethora
of stones that want to find their way into
my pickup. God, I love Mother Nature!

Another thing I find interesting are the
vast differences in terrain in this amazing
state. Living near Denver, one would
never expect the plains. And traveling
West on Colorado's highways and byways,
you'd never expect the changes that occur
about every half hour. I've heard tell God
felt he broke the mold with this state.

But, perhaps the absolute best is family
and friends. This time we've celebrated
my lover's side of the family. His son-in-
law's birthday was the only excuse to
indulge. Tents galore, Coleman stoves
wafting fab scents enticing us to try the
different creations, a couple of the guys
playing guitars, yet others listening to
boom boxes at high volume.

I am much touched by the feelings of
affection, love shared, confidences told,
the comfort level to be enjoyed by all.

love this family
a different kind of love
tis love nonetheless

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