May 24, 2020


Yesterday, we were blest to lay eyes a couple
of our fave people. We did the whole umpteen
feet away, no hugging. Still, it was wondrous.

My whole problem was that I found myself to
be socially inappropriate. How is that possible
in only three months of isolation?! Worse yet,
I hadn't even had a drink yet!

I remember when the kids were little and we
were off to see friends. I made sure that we
always talked about how 'we' would act and
behave. Me thinks I needed a mom to have
the 'talk' with me yesterday.

So, here's hoping I can lay eyes on some of
you soon so we can begin my socialization.
I obviously need it and it's your duty to bone
me up on my much forgotten skills!

mommy mommy mom
can we please go play with john
promise to behave

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