May 19, 2020


Yesterday, I found myself grateful for the
reminder of the value of communication.
Today, I want to act on it. No, I'm not much
of a phoner, and most likely never will be.
(Hell, I still have original minutes on the
flip phone I bought three years ago!)

A friend of mine recently reminded me
of the value of receiving cards in the mail.
I'm fond of the postcard, as those of you
who receive one at Yule know about me.

I suppose the whole 'quick and dirty' of
the postcard is attractive. Still, it takes
nothing away from the fun of getting one
in the mail. And, as my old friend Joyce
invited me to join the postcard brigade,
I invite you to do the same.

Remember your old friends, your new
ones, the grandkids, those much needed
thank you notes. I'll be waiting to get
a couple in the mail any day now.

much i want to say
a postcard will have to do
sending one your way

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