May 4, 2020


Last night I dreamt . . .

 . . . I found myself coming home at the
end of an arduous journey and I felt a
sense of relief at the return. No sooner
had I arrived, that I called two women
to come on over and resume classes.
I was that anxious to share what I had
learned on my travels. After the initial
greetings, i served them an afternoon
glass of white. We settled in and began
to discuss . . . when a knock at the door!

It was another couple of friends come
to wish me welcome back home. Again,
I invited them to have a seat and gave
them a glass of wine. And then, the siege
began . . . woman after woman, couple
after couple, until the home space was
overflowing. I served wine in shot glasses,
bottle lids, small bowls . . . even ash trays.
Once the white ended, I began with the
red. There was standing room only. I kept
begging for everyone to be quiet and watch
the educational flick I had brought home.
Still, it seemed they were only interested
in chatting, catching up, partying!

I was beside myself! Finally, I shouted in
a loud voice, 'Shut the fuck up!' at which
my mother gave me a distinctively dirty
look of disapproval. And, where had she
come from, having been gone lo these
four years?! It was simply ghastly. My
much longed for class had turned into a
cocktail party. And, I can't even begin to
describe the claustrophobia! My second
scream actually awakened me . . .

I lay there, panting! 'What the hell was
that all about'? And frankly, i believe the
nightmare deserves a good think! I believe
the message is, 'Simplify and enjoy'! It
doesn't get any more direct than that!

slow down the music
leave the rock 'n roll to waltz
enjoy the new pace

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