May 6, 2020


Just call me klutz!!!

I fell down the stairs again yesterday
evening. No alcohol, exhaustion, or
ghosts involved . . . just me not paying
attention, per usual! I know I need to
stop doing this, but I've always been
a bit of a klutz.

I remember going up the stairs to my
uni classroom in Mexico. I slipped
and fell, and being young, got right up
again. Then, I slipped and fell again,
and yet once more. A fellow prof, who
I had never met, put down his briefcase,
grabbed my arm and marched me up
the stairs. He seemed a bit aggravated
with me. Go figure!

I fall in the snow rather regularly. What
the hell . . . just part of who I am, I guess.
Still, me thinks 'tis about time I stopped
this nonsense, what with my bones now
being 70! Next thing you know, I'll be
going into comedy . . .

never was funny
trying out for comedy
just born to be me

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