Sep 22, 2024

09/22/2024 - Mabon

Mabon is here! Awaiting
celebrations . . . Yayyyyy!

Mabon? 'Tis the Pagan
name for the Fall Equinox.
Today, we all celebrate the
first day of Autumn.

I'm an eve celebration gal
rather than a day celebrant.
Still, I fully intend to enjoy
this day, make no mistake.

Alas, 'tis only 44 degrees,
but I would like to spend
some time outdoors if it
warms up a tad.

Might just have some left
overs from yesterday's
festivities. Yummmmm!!!

Going to spend some time
in my Mabon Book of
Shadows . . . always a good
reminder of things I knew
but may have forgotten.

Books await as my guy is
into his football game . . .
Works for me!

Enjoy today! Do something
special!! Memories matter!!!

Happy Mabon!

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