Sep 11, 2024


empathy, noun
the ability to understand and
share the feelings of another

"It's both a blessing and a curse
to feel everything so deeply."
Introverts, Old Souls & Empaths

I would imagine that everyone
possesses empathy to some 

We all feel for what our children
are going through, what our fam
is suffering, what our friends are
putting up with.

Can't help but wonder, what is
my part in all of this. I've known
for many years that I'm an empath.
With it, I suffer with family and
friends, sometimes helping, others

There are times when I am so
overcome with empathy I don't
think I can even live any longer.

Sooooo strange the gifts the
Universe has bestowed on each
of us. I pray we each make it
through the gifts we were given!

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