Sep 13, 2024

09/13/2024 - Friday the 13th

Sooooo love those magickal
Friday the 13ths . . . "13 cycles
of the moon in a lunar year."

Rather links up to days of
yesteryear when my female
times happened 13 times a

I like to fast and pray on a
Friday the 13th as "a spiritual
day of enlightenment divine
feminine energy and healing."

So enjoy meeting up w/friends
of the same mindset. Naught
wrong with lifting a glass to
the Goddess of yesteryear for
whom said days are celebrated.

Today, we are so lucky to be
joined by a couple who enjoy
celebrating Friday the 13th.

I like to use these two or three
times a year for fasting and
meditation, ending the day with
hoisting a couple with besties.

Pray, may your day be a special
one and bring you ere so many

 - - -

"Friday the 13th can come in threes,
but that won't be case for 2-24. All
years will have at least one Friday
the 13th and as many as three Friday
the 13ths in any given calendar year.
In 2024, there are two. September 13
and December 13."

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