Sep 18, 2024


Sometimes a dream is just 
a dream . . . and I get that! 
Still, I had a doozie last eve.

I dreamt that some of my 
guys and I went to a rather
new dump sight. There we
found that tons and tons of
different kinds of incense
had been brought there.

Absolutely unimaginable!
We didn't know if it were
moldy, in excess or what
the hell?!

Some of the group stayed
below and others joined me.
Not sure whether the gods
descended and gifted us
shovels, but suddenly we
had some.

I used mine to start mixing
some of those piles around
me. Then, began loading
boxes. Box after box, piling
them for retrieval. 

I had hoped we could each
take a box home as we all
used incense in our personal

Alas, we found the boxes
too heavy to remove. So
then, started dumping some
of the incense out so we
could carry them.

Methinks there's a message
here and I can come up with
a few.

Any fab ideas to share?

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