Sep 20, 2024


"To know even one life has
breathed easier because you 
have have lived. This is to 
have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sooooo who I want to be 
when I grow up!

Perhaps 'twas the reason 
I became a teacher. Lying
within me was a desire to
help and serve rather than 
to harm and garner.

I blame it all on my little 
brother Sammy. I grew up
doing my fair share to help
him, enable him to survive.

Interestingly enough, I did
not feel put upon in the least.
And, interestingly enough,
when I cared for my mother
in my home for three and a 
half years, I did.

Methinks, this means I have
a long way to go, a long way
to grow.

I ask the questions, "How 
to grow? How to initiate this
positive change? Does the
Universe step in and begin
the teaching, the healing?"

Ever watching for signs and
signals. Hoping to give a 
hand one way or another.
Longing to grow, to grow up.

Heaven help me . . .

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