Sep 5, 2024


"There are two places you 
need to go often; the place
that heals you and the place
that inspires you." 
Goddess Love

I feel as if I had won the lotto
as these two places are both
to be found at my home.

It seems I was steered to spend
the end of my days in this tiny,
tiny, nearly 150 year old cabin.

'Tis a gift; make no mistake. 
Methinks, 'tis this place of
healing, learning and growing
that will usher me into those
last accoutrements of wisdom.

I firmly believe that it is this
wisdom that will allow me to
face the end with dignity and

I've had such a full, amazing,
interesting life. 'Twould be a
shame if I walked away in a
rather disgusting temper!

Sooooo . . . 

Still here! 
Still growing!! 
Still seeking enlightenment!!!

May it ever be so . . .

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